Mothering with Joy and Freedom

What would Motherhood be like if you didn’t feel Overwhelmed?


Do You Want to feel Fulfilled & Successful, in your role as a mother and homemaker?

I can help you with that. Here’s what to do next.

1. First Call to Action
2. Second action you want your visitors to take.
3. Third action you want your visitors to take

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  • A Woman’s Life

    A Woman’s Life

    Learning about womanhood, motherhood, and homemaking.

  • Overwhelm


    Overwhelm. I feel it EVERY DAY! FOR YEARS! I know I need to be DOING, but I’m frozen in place, just trying to catch my breath that anxiety has taken. I want to start everything at the same time. Just trying to figure out what to do, so I do the things that count, is…


    My name is Addy. I am a wife, homemaker, and mom of two beautiful girls and a little handsome boy.  I love learning, reading, dancing, singing, baking, crafting; I love teaching and being super helpful. I might be a bit of a geek. I get super-duper excited with cool techie and non-techie tricks – things that…